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Brashares, Girls in Pants

Brashares, Girls in Pants

Brashares, Girls in Pants

Jeans Brashares, Ann Girls in Pants the third summer of the sisterhood Milsons Point Tandom House Australia Pty Ltd. 2005. 338

Versandkosten: 2,67 EUR

Buch ist gebraucht, KEIN MÄNGELEXEMPLAR!!!

Buch hat keine Flecken, Buch hat leichte Knicke auf der Rückseite oben
links und auf der Rückseite unten links , keine Risse, kein Staub, kein
Schmutz, keine Wasserflecken

Buch ist in ENGLISCH verfasst.

’In one word, inspiring … it makes you laugh
and it makes you cry but most importantly
it makes you feel.’

The Pants came to us at the perfect moment when we
were heading our separate ways for the first time. lt was
two summers ago when they first worked their magic, and
last summer when they shook up our lives once again.
You see, we don’t wear the Pants year-round.

We let them rest so they are extra powerful when summer
comes. Now we’re facing our last summer together. In
September we go to college. And it’s not like one of those
TV shows where all of us magically turn up at the same college.

We’re going to four different colleges in four different
cities. So this is really, really big. Our shared childhood is
ending. We’re headed off to start our real lives. Tomorrow
night we’ll launch the Pants on their third summer
voyage. Tomorrow begins the time of our lives. lt’s when
we’ll need our Pants the most .

Unser Preis: EUR 2,99

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