Li, Mao’s last dancer.

Li, Mao's last dancer.

Li, Mao's last dancer.

Li, Cunxin: Mao’s last dancer. Young readers’ edition. London, Puffin, 2006. xiii, 333 p., [8] p. of plates ill. weicher Einband (Softcover) akzeptabel keine

Versandkosten: 2,67 EUR

Buch ist gebraucht, KEIN MÄNGELEXEMPLAR!!!

Buch hat einen grünenFleck an der Unterseite, keine Knicke, Risse am Buchrücken,
kein Staub, kein Schmutz, keine Wasserflecken

Es sind leichte Lesespuren am Buchrücken vorhanden

Buch ist in ENGLISCH verfasst.

My dear son, this is your lucky chance to escape from this
cruel world! Go, go and do something special with ur life!

In a desperately poor village in north-east China, a small
boy is randomly chosen to study ballet at the Beijing
Dance Academy. Scared and lonely, Li hates the strict
training routines and the strange places he is sent to,
yet he is determined to suceed.

With hard work, Li strives to reach his gial and become
a world-famous ballet star.

This international bestseller is an inspirational and
moving true story for anyone determined to follow
their dreams.

Unser Preis: EUR 1,39