Steer, Curries & Asian Food

Steer, Curries & Asian Food

Steer, Curries & Asian Food

Curries Steer, Gina Curries & Asian Food Quck and Easy, Proven Recipes London Flame Tree Publishing 2006. 352 sehr gut keine

Versandkosten: 3,03 EUR

Buch ist gebraucht, KEIN MÄNGELEXEMPLAR!!!

Buch hat keine Flecken, keine Knicke, keine Risse, kein Staub, kein Schmutz, keine Wasserflecken

Buch ist in ENGLISCH.

Curries Asian Food offers a popular and varied series of
dishes that are suitable for every taste and convenience.
The curries are based on recipes from India, China, Thai-
land, Malaysia and Vietnam and are accompanied by a wide
range of meat, fish and vegetable dishes that are perfect
recipe connpanions to the curries.

Curries & Asian Food is an invaluable source of great, straight-
forward recipes suitable for any occasion, whether it is a quick
and simple supper or a delicious and elaborate meal to entertain
friends. Using basic, readily avaliable ingredients, this straight-
forward, no-nonsense book allows you to limit your cooking time
without compromising on qualitys

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