Jones, New international business English.

Jones, New international business English.

Jones, New international business English.

Englisch, English, Sprache, Lernen Jones, Leo: New international business English. communication skills in English for business purposes Student’s book. New ed. Stuttgart [u.a.], Klett [u.a.], 1996. 176 S Ill., Kt. weicher Einband (Softcover) sehr gut. Cambridge professional English.

Buch ist gebraucht, KEIN MÄNGELEXEMPLAR!!!

Buch hat keine Flecken, keine Knicke, keine Risse, kein Staub, kein Schmutz, keine Wasserflecken, keine Eintragungen

Buch ist in ENGLISCHER SPRACHE verfasst.

Student’s Book

New International Business English
is a flexible course at the upper-
intermediate level for people
Who need to or Who will soon
need to use English in their
day-to-day work.
All four Skills — listening,
speaking, reading and writing —
are developed through a wide
range of tasks which reflect
closely the world of work.

Key features of the Student’s book

-learner-centred approach

- realistic integrated
communrcation activities

- thorough vocabulary

- frequent opportunities for

- systematic coverage of essential
business tasks

-four skills-based units covering
the basic Skills needed in business

- ten topic-based units covering
a wide range of business situations

-a full-scale simulation in the
final unit

New International Business English
consists of:

- Student’s Book


-Teacher’s Book

- Student’s Book Cassette Set

- Workbook Cassette Set

The International Business English
Video and accompanying
Teacher’s Guide With
photocopiable tasks are designed
to be used With this course.

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